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【안녕! Updates and out of Purgatory!】
Hello, Gals ~

This blog has been in purgatory for the longest and for that I apologize. I have had the struggle to write about but since the Pandemic is happening, I now have time to get all my personal projects up and running. Plus, after I saw Lea’s 10-week Gyaru challenge and Lizzie’s List of things to blog about I was inspired to blog again and be a part of the blogging community yay!

So first set of updates and what is to come:

  • I am dedicating this blog to be mainly a part of what I am doing with gal in my life and the opinions I have about the community and how I think gal should be approached. Challenging topics about our fashion/lifestyle! So hopefully, that will go as planned.

  • Another thing would be I will review and go over what styles I really prefer. I know that my first post was about that and now that I see what I like and attracted to I want to update it to correctly reflect how I feel. I personally do not feel like I belong to a certain gal substyle given how different I want to dress but of course, the makeup will stay the same. So, keep a lookout for that soon.

  • I will flesh out some blogs about how I dye and make my wigs and what the process is and do things like what is my favorite product and what is in my bag! Simple small things to give this blog some life.

That is it for the updates! Please keep a lookout and follow to get notified of a new post!





ひまつぶしめにゅ〜 by 凸リアル